15 Unfortunately Placed Ads
Friday, July 27th, 2007Context: sometimes it does funny things. Here are examples of 15 ads that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. (via. AdLand) Some of them are hilarious.
Things from, of and about the head on the shoulders.
Context: sometimes it does funny things. Here are examples of 15 ads that happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. (via. AdLand) Some of them are hilarious.
Forgot who sent me here but there’s no way I am going to miss this movie. An emotional comedy about three brothers re-forging family bonds. The eldest, played by Wilson, hopes to reconnect with his two younger siblings by taking them on a train trip across the vibrant and sensual landscape of India. The trailer […]
The excellent blog title post comes from the post I caught on AdLand about the new campaign by the Australian Traffic Authorities to make speeding ‘socially unacceptable’ by associating an embarrassing image with those who burn rubber. Nice, huh?
Isn’t it going to be ironical if the new Indian cricket team’s coach is called Whatmore?.
Okay, Kottke’s The weatherman throws up his hands post had me laughing out really hard. Given that it’s been precipitating over here in Chandigarh for past 4-5 days continuously, the post is appropriate and funny. Go read it.
I’m a Calvin & Hobbes fan. Have been for a long time. Once upon a time when I wasn’t as busy with work, I actually spent time collecting strips from the official site. Religiously. Every day. Built up quite a collection too. Recently I came across the collector’s edition of Calvin & Hobbes: The Complete […]
While ‘obedient’ women drivers are given gift hampers in Chandigarh, traffic rules violaters get Tulsi plants in Surat.
November 27, 2006 Police yet to nab criminals behind murder of VSNL (The Times of India) Apparently the Tata owned company has been murdered and the search is on to nab the criminals in Bihar. How the murder of an engineer of the company came to be called the murder of the company is also […]
Wired learns about Smita Narang applying principles of Vastu Shastra to web design (apparently The Register had covered her back in June) and asks her to review Slashdot. The geeks tear her to pieces. Precious.
I just cursed a friend thus: god is a witness to your crime. you will eat more salt than what is prescribed for a man of your body mass with your activity profile and consequently you will have to drink more water and piss more and in one such visits to the loo, you will […]
This guy got so upset about his boss suspending him, he went to his Boss’ house in the early morning and set his car on fire!
You know… I just realised, drinking coke like water when you’re thirsty is a bad idea.
There have been times when I’ve wondered why I read The Register. Then comes along a report like “Student constructs hamster-powered mobe charger” with gems like We’ve often wondered for what purpose exactly hamsters were put upon this earth, and now we know: to charge mobile phones. and Perhaps if he’d knocked together a desktop […]
Greg Storey finally lets off some steam on the excessive DIY-GTD blogginess craziness over at his site and proceeds to put up a rather humourous “How To Stop Breathing Through Your Mouth”. When your mouth has been successfully closed, try to draw air into the lungs through your nose. If everything works like it should […]
I had to call a client in US. This is what happened in a series of emails. Me: Could you let me know when I can call you? Client: How about 6 PM EST? Me: Uh… that’s a bit late for me (3:30 am my time). Could we do it a bit sooner? Client: Sure! […]
Read this hillarious story in The Register based on a revealing report about employees in Indian Call Centre getting ‘rumpy-pumpy’ within their BPO office spaces in The Times of India. Exquisite.
I’ve not worked with him much but boy, does this guy have a sense of humour! I’ve wanted to work with him for a long time but opportunity has never presented itself. We chat once in a while. This conversation happened a couple of days back. Client: dude… where is (name omitted)? im gonna kill […]
One of those moments… Client: They are certain to notice. Me: Yes, they are doing that. I noticed them noticing me and I noticed that they noticed that I noticed them noticing me. … duh.
I have to admit that I was laughing out loud while reading the report in The New York Times that points to the editorial essay in British Medical Journal calling for what it termed knife reform. The essay points out how long, pointed kitchen knives are being used to, can you believe it, stab people […]
On the way to office today, I saw a damsel-in-distress pushing a kinetic scooter. The chivalrous in me (and the male) goaded me to go and help. Me: How can I help you? She: No, thanks. Me: Yes, I did say that to the guy who offered me drugs. But how does that help you? […]