Archive for October, 2008

A Polling Booth for 10 Voters

Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

The best example that underlines India’s commitment to Democracy is what’s happening in the elections that are about to commence in Jammu & Kashmir with nearly 6,500,000 voters eligible to cast their vote. India is setting up a polling booth in Ladhakh for just 10 people! Yes, there are only 10 registered voters in this […]

A Brief Comment on Rahul Gandhi

Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Rahul Gandhi seems to be maturing into a fine politician. I started giving a little more than a passing attention to reports on him after I read a story about him putting sycophants in Congress in their place. Compared to the near militant politics that is currently prevalent in most parts of the country by […]

Social Networks – The Final 3

Monday, October 20th, 2008

After much back-and-forth, I have decided on the final 3 social networks I will be active on: LinkedIn: It’s perhaps the only serious social network for professionals. Orkut: It’s very popular in India and almost everybody I know outside work is on there. Facebook: I have only recently started taking it seriously. However, it’s a […]

Happy 76th Birthday Indian Air Force

Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Today, Indian Air Force turned 76. Back in 1932, it was today that 6 young men (Subroto Mukerjee, HC Sirkar, AB Awan, Bhupendra Singh, Amerjeet Singh, and ‘Tich’ Tandon) were commissioned into the service after having trained at RAF College in Cranwell. With 19 ‘hawai sepoys’ and 4 Westland Wapiti IIA biplanes operating out of […]

Finding ‘Lost’ Content in a Basecamp Post or Comment

Saturday, October 4th, 2008

Basecamp is increasingly being used by a lot of people and many, many people use it for managing web-based projects as well. Unfortunately, Basecamp does not escape “<” or “>” and anything that looks like a HTML tag gets interpreted by the browser as one. I consider this a fatal flaw in the software since […]

Suddenly Alive!

Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Suddenly, there was life. Again. 😉