Archive for October, 2006

Slashdot Geeks Comment On WebVastu

Saturday, October 28th, 2006

Wired learns about Smita Narang applying principles of Vastu Shastra to web design (apparently The Register had covered her back in June) and asks her to review Slashdot. The geeks tear her to pieces. Precious.

On “Murder, we said”

Wednesday, October 25th, 2006

My response to the Editorial “Murder, we said” by Jug Suraiya in The Times of India: The editorial puts an interesting spin on capital punishment. But the same logic you apply to urge Indians to look down upon capital punishment, almost calling it immoral but at least suggesting it to be inhuman, can be applied […]

Starbucks Is Coming To India

Tuesday, October 24th, 2006

Finally, Starbucks finalises its retail partner and sets the ball rolling to enter the Indian market. After the franchisees taking Barista brand to bust (you should see the dilapidated outlets to believe it. Not all outlets are like the few that are earning the brand such a bad name but it shows laxity on the […]

Adobe Site of the Day

Thursday, October 19th, 2006

The site for a new residential development by Jade Jagger in New York City developed by my team in Net Solutions with C-Cube is Adobe Site of the Day. Cool.

A Curse…

Friday, October 13th, 2006

I just cursed a friend thus: god is a witness to your crime. you will eat more salt than what is prescribed for a man of your body mass with your activity profile and consequently you will have to drink more water and piss more and in one such visits to the loo, you will […]

Did Google Buy YouTube So Yahoo Couldn’t?

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

So I ask, is this $1.65 billion more a stupid mistake or a very capable strategic decision for a cash-rich company to deny one of its biggest rivals a fast-track into the online video arena?

Hero Honda Re-Launches ‘CBZ’, My Love

Tuesday, October 10th, 2006

Hero Honda has re-launched the once-phased-out 156-cc bike CBZ as CBZ Xtreme. I had bought CBZ in October 2000. It was my first big purchase with my earned money. The only reason I had bought CBZ at that time was because…